Thursday, September 8, 2011


We were born to unite with our fellow men, and to join in community with the human race. ~Cicero

I feel like I am in a season of my life where God is teaching me a lot about community. This has not necessarily been a quick or an easy lesson to learn just as building of a community is not quick nor easy. God has blessed me with some amazing communities as I have continued this journey He is leading me on here in Knoxville.
One community has truly been a few different groups of people that have become interconnected in various ways coming together. It is not uncommon to find us out together on any day or night of the week. This could be at one of the many restaurants and business in Knoxville, at the dog park, in one of our living rooms, or (a favorite) one of our front porches.
It is with these people that I am reminded that we were never created to be alone. They are the ones who celebrate with me when things are going right. Sometimes they are the ones who cry with me when things fall apart. When I need to share my ideas or I simply need someone to listen, these are the people whom I know I can count on. These are the ones with whom I can dream big dreams and pray big prayers.
While in some ways I know I have always had people like this in my life, it is different now. We are intentional about spending time with one another. We ask tough and deep questions...ones that we may not know or understand the answers to. These are the people who purposefully get involved in my life and allow me into theirs. Now that I have such community, I don't know what I did without it.
I also feel as though having such community gives me a better understanding of God and the community He desires to have with us. He wants to purposefully be involved in my life and wants me to allow Him to be a part of it.
Just as Cicero said, we were born for community with the human race, to unite with fellow men. I am so thankful that in this season of change in my life, God has not only provided me with an amazing community of people to encourage, support, and challenge me, but He has also invited me to commune with Him.