Saturday, August 18, 2012

I run because...

So in America we have this weird tradition of setting goals and deciding to be a better person on New Years. I guess it is because it is a very poignant reminder of a fresh start. As 2011 began to draw to a close, I began to plan with some friends a trip to NYC to watch the ball drop and visit the wonderful Fulgenzis, who we hadn't seen since graduation.
Those plans didn't quite pan out the way we imagined. Instead of spending a few days in New York, those same friends were helping me pack and prepare to take a leap of faith and move to Gallipolis, OH, where I would soon begin working at Gallipolis Christian Church as the Children's Minister.
Through all of this hustle and bustle, I made a resolution of my own. I decided that before 2012 ended, I would complete a 5k. I didn't want to walk it. I wanted a decent time, and something that would require some effort. At that time, I'm not sure I had any idea what that would mean over the next 8 months. For any of you who don't know, my parents were told when I was born that I would never walk. I've had three knee surgeries as well as physical therapy and chiropractic care for most of my life.
Toward the end of February, the craziness of moving started to calm down and at a time when most of us have given up on our resolutions, I was reminded of mine. I decided if I was really going to do this, I knew I didn't have the motivation to do it alone. So I asked a friend to run with me. This began the process of preparation.
I knew that preparation would mean walking, jogging, running, working out, etc. And there were a few set backs along the way. A busy summer schedule, severely broken toe in June, and developing shin splints about a month ago all tried to keep me from reaching my goal. However, reaching my goal hasn't only been about the exercise. It has also changed the way I think about my free time. It has made me way less stressed. (Running is the biggest stress reliever I have ever experienced). It changed the way I eat and the way I take care of my body. And it has taught me about perseverance.
So today I ran 3.1 miles in 33:25. I am thrilled with that. But I am even more thrilled that God placed a goal in my heart and used that goal to change my lifestyle.

I run because...I like dessert.
I run because...its cheaper than therapy.
I run because...I like accomplishing a goal.
I run because...I've chosen to be healthy.
I run gives me energy.
I run improves my mood.
I run because...I believe my body is a temple.
I run because...of all the people who told me I couldn't.
I run because...of the people who have believed in me along the way.
I run because...I have an awesome God.
I run because...I can.
I run.