Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Contentment. Certainly I'm not the only one struggling with this, right? Yes I know we are called to be content with what we have. We are called to be good stewards. We are to ward off greed. I understand all least my head does. But for me, contentment is bigger than that. Its not about the house I live in or the car I drive or even how much many is in my bank account. Those are not my areas of greatest struggle. I am happy to say that I am greatly blessed. I like where I live, I have a great car which I enjoy, and God has given me more than I need. No, for me the struggle with contentment is dreaming big. I was taught very young to dream big. This was followed up in my teen years with the concept of "Dream Big. Pray Big." After all, we serve a big God, right? Too often, dreaming big leaves me trying to live my tomorrows today. I want to plan out every step. I want to jump ahead. I want all of that now. In my big dreams, I forget that God is working right now, right here, right where I am. I forget that my tomorrows may depend upon what I do today. I get lost dreaming instead of doing what I am called to right now. I forget that being content may mean just being...right here, right now, being who God has called me to be, being obedient to Him. I certainly don't want to stop dreaming, but I also don't want to stop living. Today, I am struggling, but I yearn for contentment.