One Night with the King went wonderfully. For those of you who do not know what I'm talking about, this is the second year that we held an event for 10-21 year old girls.
The event focuses on the fact that women no matter their age, color, shape, or size are beautiful. They are princesses, daughters of the King of Kings. We spend an evening sharing His truth about their beauty and purpose with them as they share in a formal meal and are treated as the true princesses that they are.
This year I had the privilege of teaming up with Shannon Montanye and Matt Ayres for this event. Kyle Kishbaugh and his fiance, Ashley Williams prepared a professional meal for us which was then served by Matt Ayres, Matt Sereno, and Jason Broadt who also served as ushers for the evening. It was amazing to be a part of this wonderful team. Each one played a special role, and the night could not have been a success without them.
Sunday night we had our Spring Area Wide Service at Camp Epachiseca. This is always a great time, but its made even more fun when old friends are there.
Well, I guess that is all for now. I need to finish some clean up and start packing for work camp. Hopefully I will be able to post one more time before we leave on Sunday morning. Please be in prayer for our team as well as all those who will be there. I will share more about it when we return.
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