Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Life As We Know It

Shannon and I watched Life as We Know It last night. Movie nights have become an important part of our friendship. It is time we intentionally spend together, but it also allows us to do other things as well as watch the movie such as homework, job hunting, or on nights like last apartment hunting and eating cake.
As we watched this movie the basic premise is that a married couple dies in a car accident leaving their infant daughter behind. The name their two best friends who are single and don't get along very well to raise this now orphaned little girl.
We joked about who we may marry and if we did who would be paired up to raise our children if something like this happenned. At points this was greatly entertaining. I always enjoy when you can see yourself in a movie. However, overall this movie highlighted what happens when things don't go as planned.
For me this was a reminder that God has a plan for my life. I am approaching graduation and God is revealing small portions of His plan for me. Yet He is not showing me all of the plan.
A few days ago a worship leader said how God could reveal His entire plan for our lives, but then we would not be walking by faith. I could not find this to be more true. If God told me the whole plan I would simply seek to reach it myself.
So as I take these steps forward in my life. I will trust that God has a plan. He has a plan in the big things as well as in the small things. I trust that God has a plan for the ministry He has called me to. He has a plan for the man of God He will place in my life. He has a plan in what I will do this day, this week, this month. I am thankful for a God who is present in the details yet has a plan bigger than I could even comprehend.

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